Final report: the potential for mangoes in eastern Indonesia

This report presents the findings of a scoping study to examine ways to increase the income of mango smallholders in eastern Indonesia as part of a supply chain. The analysis focused on researching issues in profitable supply chains, rather than identifying technical constraints. The findings reveal that current markets are heavily supplied with the Harumanis mango variety with little opportunity to develop new market opportunities in either export or out of season markets in other areas of Indonesia.

Farmers and traders in a changing maize market in East Java

This study uses maize to examine the potential for increasing the income of coarse grain, pulse, root and tuber farmers and employment in East Java. The study focuses on the development of industrial linkages and market opportunities (feed, alcohol, starch and corn oil). Four surveys were conducted: a survey of village officials to identify a case study village; a household survey (n= 81) for socio economics; a household income survey (n=34) and a market survey (n=102).

Eastern Indonesia agribusiness development opportunities - analysis of maize value chains.

While maize production in Indonesia continues to increase, the country remains a net importer of maize. This report details the maize value chain from producers through to processors and retailers, and identifies opportunities for future development activities for increased competitiveness and farmer income in Eastern Indonesia. Analysis was informed by interviews with key sectors of the maize value chain in West Nusa Tenggara, East Java and East Nusa Tenggara.

The study of production and marketing of maize in Kupang and Timor Tengah Selatan districts, East Nusa Tenggara province

The productivity of maize on Timor Island (<2.5 tonnes/ha) is significantly lower than that at the national level (>3.5 tonnes/ha) due to a combination of agronomic, climatic, edaphic and social-related factors. This study explores the availability of production and marketing of local maize in Kupang and Timor Tengah Selatan districts by analysing maize availability (quantity, quality and seasonality), prices, and local markets (suppliers, supply and demand behaviour and distribution systems).

Added value and performance analyses of Edamame soybean supply chain: a case study

This study encompasses profiling of the Edamame supply chain management, analysis of value adding and performance at each part of the supply chain and concludes with recommendations to improve performance of the supply chain. The report includes a generalist literature review focusing on management, performance and added value analyses of perishable product supply chains and specifically outlining Edamame characteristics and production data. Primary data was sourced through in- depth interviews with supply chain participants and secondary data from a desktop analysis.

The decrease of production of Indonesian soybean and efforts to ensure the certainty of the vegetable protein supply: a literature review

Demand for soybean in Indonesia currently exceeds supply. Based on a review of recent literature, Susilowati et al. analyse the decline in Indonesia's soybean and discuss efforts to ensure its future supply. Among the solutions proposed in this review are increasing production and substitution power (on imports) of domestic soybeans through rules and mechanisms of control over the existing trade system, and increasing the role of trade agencies and/or cooperatives such as KOPTI in the trade system.

IFC SADI Agri sectors: value chain analysis for the NTB peanut industry

This report presents a value chain analysis of the peanut industry in West Nusa Tenggara. It shows that peanuts have a ready market in Indonesia but seasonal peaks in supply and lack of local ability to adequately dry, process and store peanuts limits smallholder earning potential. Research is required on improved seed varieties and best operational practices including cultivation versus direct planting, irrigation, fertiliser, weed and pest control. Cash flow problems with inputs (after the rice harvest) could be reduced or eliminated with farmer business management training.

Aflatoxin in Indonesian peanuts: how can the contamination within the food chain be managed?

This paper examines the problem of aflatoxin in Indonesian peanuts and discusses potential initiatives to minimize contamination at pre and postharvest stages. The research uses data from 62 farmers, penebas, collectors, processors and retailers in Pati Regency, Central Java, during the wet and dry seasons in 2002.

Final report: Eastern Indonesia agribusiness development opportunities - analysis of legumes value chains.

This report contains a detailed characterisation and analysis of individual legume (soybean, peanut and mungbean) value chains in West Nusa Tenggara, East Java and East Nusa Tenggara and makes recommendations on development opportunities, possible partners and future research. Based on the M4P framework, the study involved primary information collected through value chain and field visits, as well as secondary information. Market-based solutions (MBS) were identified to address constraints as well as providers to partner in implementing MBS e.g.

Competitive industry report on the Indonesian cattle and goats sectors: opportunities for Canadian animal genetics.

This report provides a useful overview of the cattle and goat sectors in Indonesia, as well as the key government policies affecting them. One interesting remark in the report is that local farmers have more readily adapted to goat farming compared to cattle farming, largely due to the relatively lower cost of entry and the simpler management of goat farms. This is a supporting factor for increased investment in the sector.


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