This value chain analysis is an Annex of a larger report examining supermarket development in Indonesia. The analysis encompasses production in West Java through to retailers in Jakarta and reports on five main market chains: farmer-specialised wholesaler-supermarket; farmer-farmer group-specialised wholesaler-supermarket; farmer-traditional wholesaler-traditional wholesale market-traditional retailer; farmer-traditional wholesaler-specialised wholesaler-supermarket; and farmer-collector-traditional wholesaler-traditional wholesale market-traditional retailer.
Evaluation of determinate tomato variety cultivation in West Jawa highland area in Indonesia
This paper reports on three experiments evaluating Japanese tomato varieties for use in Indonesia. The experiments evaluate these varieties based on yield comparisons with the standard Indonesian variety, fruit characteristics for fresh and processing and seedling growth using three low cost, locally sourced seedling raising media. Results of each experiment are reported and discussed separately. The paper details the yield differences and summarises fruit characteristics including discussion of suitability for fresh or processing sectors.
Farmers' knowledge and effectiveness of insecticide uses by farmers in controlling Spodoptera exigua on shallots in Brebes and Cirebon
A significant constraint to shallot production is damage by the onion caterpillar (Spodoptera exigua) which can cause yield losses of 45-57%. This study assesses farmer knowledge and effectiveness of insecticides for S. exigua control in shallots in West Java and Central Java. Data was sourced via group discussions and individual interviews (n=100) and analysed using descriptive statistical method and content analysis. Respondent characteristics are briefly reported.
Optimising the productivity of the potato/brassica cropping system in Central and West Java and potato/brassica/allium system in South Sulawesi and West Nusa Tenggara. FR2011-24
This report details the outcomes of work undertaken in West Java, Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara and South Sulawesi to develop potato and cabbage integrated crop management systems, develop and improve farmer access to quality potato seed and build capacity for adaptive research and development. The report details the results from surveys of 80 potato and 50 cabbage crops covering crop agronomy, yield, economics, post-harvest management and potato seed supply, source and quality. It outlines the constraints to potato and cabbage production, with low soil pH being the major constraint.
Farmer-trader relationships in the Indonesian chilli markets: the role of relationship quality in modern and traditional supply chains
In Indonesia, chillies are a priority crop commonly produced by smallholders and, like many other cash crops, several farmer-trader issues are emerging in chilli supply chains. Current literature suggests that improving relationship quality among food chain actors enhances efficiency. This paper contributes to this literature by examining chilli farmer's perceptions of relationship quality with their buyers, using trust, satisfaction and commitment as variables.
Chilli (Capsicum spp.) Food Chain Analysis: Setting Research Priorities in Asia -Indonesia
This study provides a comprehensive overview of the production practices, consumption habits, consumer preferences and distribution of chilli in Indonesia. Data was collected via secondary sources as well as interviews with key food chain stakeholders, including 306 chilli and non-chilli farmers from West Java, Central Java and East Java, as well as 16 market agents, 6 chili processors, and 289 chilli and non-chilli farmer housewives and 62 urban housewives.
Horticultural producers and supermarket development in Indonesia
This study examines the impact of increasing supermarket presence and their procurement system on horticulture supply chains (using tomato in West Java as a case study) and on farmers. Methodology involved key informant interviews, farmer field surveys (n=600), stakeholder focus groups and participatory rural appraisals (n=8). The report briefly outlines changes in food retailing in Indonesia and the development of the supermarket sector and highlights the dominance of imports in supermarket sales.
Complex adaptive processes in building supply chains: case studies of fresh mangoes in Indonesia
This report briefly examines government intervention as an option for developing mango supply chains from disorganised and segmented to organised and integrated. The report includes a brief theoretical review of supply chain management and complex adaptive systems. Methodology included interviews with stakeholders over three time periods. The paper then reports on two case studies of government intervention in West Java and East Java including a description of the supply chains, the interventions and the responses to the intervention along the supply chain.
Mango value chain key informant interview synthesis. Report prepared as part of the USAID AMA CRSP Project “Access to Modernizing Value Chains by Small Farmers in Indonesia”
Rapid urban population growth has increased demand for quantity and quality of mangoes. This report outlines the changes in consumption that are driving changes in marketing and production. The project involved 113 interviews with various value chain stakeholders (input suppliers, farmers, brokers, processors and wholesale, traditional and modern markets) in East Java and West Java—provinces that produce 61 per cent of Indonesia's mango production.
Added value and performance analyses of Edamame soybean supply chain: a case study
This study encompasses profiling of the Edamame supply chain management, analysis of value adding and performance at each part of the supply chain and concludes with recommendations to improve performance of the supply chain. The report includes a generalist literature review focusing on management, performance and added value analyses of perishable product supply chains and specifically outlining Edamame characteristics and production data. Primary data was sourced through in- depth interviews with supply chain participants and secondary data from a desktop analysis.
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