Climate futures and rural livelihood adaptation strategies in Nusa Tenggara Barat province, Indonesia. Survey report: Livestock production systems in Lombok and Sumbawa

The authors, researchers at the University of Mataram, examine the current conditions of livestock production systems in Lombok and Sumbawa to aid understanding of farmers' ability to adapt to changes in land use, socio-economic and agro-climatic conditions. They look specifically at the distribution and richness of species in different ecological sub-regions, as well as dynamics, drivers of change and potential future impacts.

Inventory analysis of smallholder beef cattle production in East Java

In this article, Cahyadi et al. present the findings of a study on herd dynamics of smallholder cattle producers in the two major agro-ecosystems (irrigated lowland and rain-fed upland) in East Java. The research aims to better understand the capacity of smallholder cattle producers in order to increase their production and income in line with government targets. A total of 184 farmers participated in the study in 2010. Their cattle were monitored on a monthly basis to record vital statistics, as well as transfer and sales-related data.

Distribution of gains from cattle development in a multi-stage production system: the case of the Bali beef industry

A number of different policies have been implemented to enhance development of different parts of the Bali beef industry. However, information on the benefits is limited and therefore evaluation of the various policies is required to guide future policy development. This paper explores the benefits from cattle development in a multi-stage production representation of the Bali beef industry using equilibrium displacement modelling. The impact on various industry groups such as smallholders, processors, retailers and consumers, is estimated in terms of their welfare changes.


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