This paper outlines the classification of 82 Indonesian mango cultivars based on morphological characters, RAPD markers (DNA) and a combination of both. Mango cultivars for classification were sourced from Cukur Gondang Collection Garden, East Java. Results, including coefficients of similarity, are presented and discussed for each method of classification: morphological, RAPD markers or the combination of both. The morphological assessment involved 92 morphological characteristics. Results of a cluster analysis provides some detail on the discerning characteristics for each cluster.
Mango production and industry in Indonesia
This report provides a very brief overview of Indonesian mango production and more specifically that of East Java. The information presented encompasses export potential, extension prospects, marketing of East Java mango and problems with extension of the mango industry in East Java. The discussion in these sections includes highlighting limitations to current mango production and identification of opportunities to expand and develop production. The report identifies East Java as having potential for further development and expansion of the mango industry in Indonesia.
Effects of freezing and storage periods on characteristics of frozen sliced Arumanis mango
Mango has potential as a significant horticultural industry in Indonesia but it has a limited shelf life. Freezing is an option for improving the shelf life of mango. This paper assesses different periods of immersion in liquid nitrogen and different storage periods on a range of chemical characteristics of mango. The experiment was based on a factorial completely randomised design with four immersion and four storage periods.
Collective action for the marketing of underutilized tropical fruits in South and Southeast Asia
This paper examines collective action as an option for addressing obstacles for smallholders linking to markets, specifically for marketing of underutilised tropical fruits. These are of importance for nutrition, cultural value and contribution to income and improved market chains will increase income and incentives for production to maintain diversity. The report includes a description of the conceptual framework for collective action. The report comprises three cases studies as examples of good marketing practices for biodiversity.
Induction of flowering and yield of mango hybrids using Paclobutrazol
Development of mango hybrids is one strategy to improve mango quality to a level suitable for export markets, however, the duration of the juvenile phase is currently an obstacle. This paper outlines the use of the plant growth regulator, Paclobutrazol, to induce flowering and also assesses the impact on yield. The research involved a randomised block design with two levels of Paclobutrazol treatment and 20 accessions of mango hybrid. Results are presented and discussed based on the impact on induction of flowering and yield.
Complex adaptive processes in building supply chains: case studies of fresh mangoes in Indonesia
This report briefly examines government intervention as an option for developing mango supply chains from disorganised and segmented to organised and integrated. The report includes a brief theoretical review of supply chain management and complex adaptive systems. Methodology included interviews with stakeholders over three time periods. The paper then reports on two case studies of government intervention in West Java and East Java including a description of the supply chains, the interventions and the responses to the intervention along the supply chain.
Diversity of Indonesian mango (Mangifera indica) cultivars based on morphological and RAPD markers
This paper outlines the classification of 82 Indonesian mango cultivars based on morphological characters, RAPD markers (DNA) and a combination of both. Mango cultivars for classification were sourced from Cukur Gondang Collection Garden, East Java. Results, including coefficients of similarity, are presented and discussed for each method of classification: morphological, RAPD markers or the combination of both. The morphological assessment involved 92 morphological characteristics. Results of a cluster analysis provides some detail on the discerning characteristics for each cluster.
Developing an effective food chain management in a developing country: a case study on Manalagi mango fruit supply chain in Indonesia
In this paper, the authors explore the effectiveness of the Manalagi mango supply chain in Indonesia using gap, price margin and relationship analyses. Price margin analysis revealed significant transportation costs and fruit sometimes reaching the wholesale market in inferior condition due to delays since harvesting because of transportation problems. The authors thus highlight that improvements in transportation infrastructure are important to reduce produce losses and increase value in the chains.
Mangoes in Indonesia: a value chain approach
Despite growing recognition of the importance of collaborative relationships in facilitating exchange in the fresh produce industry, few studies have empirically sought to explore the nature of trading relationships between market intermediaries. This paper contributes to this literature by exploring the prevailing trading practices and activities and the key dimensions of long-term buyer-seller relationships, namely trust, power-dependence and satisfaction. The authors use data from interviews conducted with 53 collectors, 12 traders and 10 wholesalers in Probolinggo, Malang and Jakarta.
Eastern Indonesia agribusiness development opportunities - analysis of mango value chains.
This study provides a detailed characterisation and analysis of the mango value chain in Situbondo, East Java, and North Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat and identification of potential pro-poor interventions, with an emphasis on private sector involvement.
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