Mango value chain key informant interview synthesis. Report prepared as part of the USAID AMA CRSP Project “Access to Modernizing Value Chains by Small Farmers in Indonesia”

Rapid urban population growth has increased demand for quantity and quality of mangoes. This report outlines the changes in consumption that are driving changes in marketing and production. The project involved 113 interviews with various value chain stakeholders (input suppliers, farmers, brokers, processors and wholesale, traditional and modern markets) in East Java and West Java—provinces that produce 61 per cent of Indonesia's mango production.

The transparent margin partnership model: linking mango farmers to dynamic markets. Final report of case study component 2.

Traditionally, there has been no incentive for mango farmers to improve productivity and quality due to a weak bargaining position. This report analyses a transparent margin system (based on a collaborative partnership between the market supplier and a farmer group in Central Java) for enhanced smallholder involvement in the market chain. Methodology included interviews and focus group discussions with key market chain stakeholders, examination of farm to retail market marketing channels and cost benefit analysis of the supplier/farmer group partnership.

Final report: the potential for mangoes in eastern Indonesia

This report presents the findings of a scoping study to examine ways to increase the income of mango smallholders in eastern Indonesia as part of a supply chain. The analysis focused on researching issues in profitable supply chains, rather than identifying technical constraints. The findings reveal that current markets are heavily supplied with the Harumanis mango variety with little opportunity to develop new market opportunities in either export or out of season markets in other areas of Indonesia.


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