This paper assesses whether supermarkets adversely affect traditional food retailers in traditional markets of Indonesia. The study methodology involved data collection from traders in treatment (supermarket within 5km) markets (n=249), traders in control markets (n=151) and in-depth interviews (n=37) with a range of additional stakeholders. The paper reports no significant effect of supermarkets on traditional markets in terms of profit and revenue, yet traditional traders experienced continued decline in their business.
Horticultural producers and supermarket development in Indonesia
This study examines the impact of increasing supermarket presence and their procurement system on horticulture supply chains (using tomato in West Java as a case study) and on farmers. Methodology involved key informant interviews, farmer field surveys (n=600), stakeholder focus groups and participatory rural appraisals (n=8). The report briefly outlines changes in food retailing in Indonesia and the development of the supermarket sector and highlights the dominance of imports in supermarket sales.
Significance of family farming in the Asian regions: the Indonesian agriculture sector
This paper briefly outlines the issues and opportunities for family farming in Indonesia's agricultural sector. It provides a summary of two contrasting views on Indonesia's rural sector social characteristics and development of supply chains. There is no detail on the methodology used to inform the paper. The key issues facing family farming operations are summarised as: land access and fragmentation, constraining distribution channels, lack of consideration of the potential for women in family farming, and lack of promising career options for young in agriculture.
Indonesia's modern food retail sector: interaction with changing food consumption and trade patterns
This study details the changes in Indonesian food consumption patterns and growth in modern food retailing, including retail chains, packaged foods and imports. The study was informed by a desktop analysis of previous literature, previously collected market information and trade data and interviews conducted by the authors. It provides a brief background on Indonesia and its agricultural trade sector then details changing dietary patterns in Indonesia, both traditional and modern food retailing systems and the developmental opportunities and constraints for modern food retailing.