Early weaning of Bali calves at six months of age increases herd reproductive efficiency and offers beef smallholders an opportunity to increase productivity and cash flow. This report assesses numerous feeding strategies aimed at increasing the growth rate of early weaned Bali calves in Sulawesi Tengah, East Java, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara. Results demonstrate that simple feeding strategies available to farmers could increase growth rates from 0.1-0.2kg/d to over 0.4kg/d by including high protein feeds such a leucaena, sesbania or copra meal. The economic impacts of enhanced productivity and social implications from reduced labour inputs and increased cash flow are discussed. Farmer involvement in research activities proved beneficial in facilitating adoption. The authors identify several areas for future work relating to management of feed supplies, assessment of new forages, low input feeding strategies, growth of early weaned Bali calves and an extension program highlighting the importance of nutrition. The report also discusses different strategies for increasing microbial crude protein, and reports on capacity building of Indonesian scientists through integration of Australian and Indonesian research groups.
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Quigley S., Poppi D., Budisantoso E., Dahlanuddin, Marsetyo, McLennan S., Pamungkas D., Panjaitan T. and Priyanti A.
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research