This study reports on the effects of different growing practices and aspects on True Seed Shallot (TSS) production in Java. The study comprises a range of experiments which are listed in the introduction. These encompass early sowing and transplanting, optimal nitrogen fertilisation, optimal plant density, seed efficiency, optimal age and nitrogen status of nursery, TSS under insect nets and bulb storage quality. Each experiment is briefly reported in a separate section and comprises methodology, results and discussion.
Production of true seed shallots in Indonesia
Traditional Indonesian shallot production is based on seed bulbs but True Seed Shallots (TSS) could improve competitiveness of the industry. This study assesses numerous factors such as, seed raising mixtures, sowing depth and furrow fill, productivity comparison of TSS cultivars and seed bulb cultivars, plant density and nitrogen fertilisation, for their impact on shallot growth and production. Each experiment is reported on and discussed separately.
Farmers' knowledge and effectiveness of insecticide uses by farmers in controlling Spodoptera exigua on shallots in Brebes and Cirebon
A significant constraint to shallot production is damage by the onion caterpillar (Spodoptera exigua) which can cause yield losses of 45-57%. This study assesses farmer knowledge and effectiveness of insecticides for S. exigua control in shallots in West Java and Central Java. Data was sourced via group discussions and individual interviews (n=100) and analysed using descriptive statistical method and content analysis. Respondent characteristics are briefly reported.
Profit gap analysis on the small scale production of shallot: a case study in a small village in East Java province of Indonesia.
This paper explores the allocation of inputs in small-scale shallot production with a view to increasing efficiency and raising farmers' profits. The research uses primary data gathered through a survey of 43 farmers in one village in East Java. It applies double-log production function and polynomial cost function to measure the profit gap. Three simulations are used for input allocation based on low, medium and high input costs. The findings show that land, labour and seed are the most important group of inputs for production, followed by the fertilizer phosphate.
IFC SADI Agri sectors: value chain analysis for the NTB shallot industry
This report presents a sector profile and value chain analysis of the shallot industry in West Nusa Tenggara, identifying potential areas for SADI program support. The research shows that shallots are a profitable but potentially high risk niche crop in some parts of the province, particularly Bima.
Integration among regional vegetable markets in Indonesia
In this paper, the authors explore the level of market integration among regional vegetable markets in Indonesia and the movement of prices at the producer and wholesale market levels. Studying price integration among regions is important in order to increase the marketing efficiency of vegetables in the country. The main vegetables included in the study are shallots, large red chilli, potatoes, cabbage and tomatoes. The research uses secondary time-series data from 2001 to 2008 and analyses variables and integration using co-integration analyses.
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