This paper reviews the impact of Indonesian Government regulations on organic food supply chains and provides recommendations to assist in further development of these chains. It encompasses the marketing system for organic produce and consumer perceptions of organic food. The bulk of the discussion relates to the regulations associated with organic food and how these affect organic food supply chains. The paper outlines the regulations that organic food is subject to in relation to production, labelling, processing and food safety.
Flores blooming: a case study on promoting the cashew nut value chain in Indonesia
This case study details a range of interventions implemented to improve cashew nut production in Flores and contribute to the enhancing the overall cashew nut value chain. The report summarises the key constraints to the value chain, such as no direct linkages and international value adding, poor productivity due to traditional farming methods, and lack of inputs and technology. It then outlines a number of considerations and processes in implementing four interventions to address these constraints.
Farmer livelihoods and the production and marketing of cashew nut. A case study in four villages of Central and Eastern Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
This report presents the details of a case study exploring livelihood patterns of farmer households and linkages with the production and marketing of cashew nuts on the island of Flores. It aimed to understand and identify livelihood constraints in order to fully understand and monitor the impact of a Swisscontact/VECO-Indonesia pilot project on certification and processing of organic cashew nuts in Flores. The study used the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (developed by DFID) to analyse complex livelihood patterns in four villages in Central and Eastern Flores.
Indigenous Bali cattle is most suitable for sustainable small farming in Indonesia
Bali cattle is one of the four existing indigenous cattle breeds in Indonesia. This article reviews cattle characteristics and husbandry methods in the country with a special focus on the importance of Bali cattle. The study shows that indigenous cattle are an important and integral component of the small landholder cattle production system, which is essentially 'organic' in nature and the most sustainable system.
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