This report identifies intervention opportunities to strengthen the performance of the vegetable sub-sector in Eastern Indonesia. The research is based on field observations, interviews with value chain participants and consultation with other stakeholders in West Java, East Java, Central Java, Bali, South Sulawesi and North Sumatra. The report contains a summary of the vegetable sub-sector and an outline of private and public sector roles. Critical problems and constraints limiting the vegetable sub-sectors performance were summarised as: disorganised seed industry; excessive pesticide residues increasing production costs and threatening markets; neglect of wet markets including transport and handling, health and sanitation, food safety concerns and market waste; limited relationships between farmers and supermarket wholesalers; lack of awareness and access to market intelligence; reduction in suitable vegetable producing land; lack of marketing technology e.g. packaging; and globalisation resulting in reduced production of certain vegetables. The report suggests various interventions, among them seed industry development, improved farmer buyer contracts, a pesticide focused extension program, marketplace design, market development, packaging and waste management options. It also includes location specific considerations where necessary.

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