This report presents the findings of an ACIAR-funded project that aimed to develop understanding and insight of the goat supply chain in South Sulawesi and identify possible interventions that would improve smallholder and supply chain profitability. One of the main findings was that an iodine deficiency existed in the diet of goats, which was overcome by applying Providon solution to the skin of goats. The project also identified the need among goat producers to regularly weigh their animals for breeding, husbandry and marketing purposes. This was overcome by developing a cheap and practical tool to estimate the liveweight of goats. A key finding of the project that is particularly relevant for those considering investment in the goat sector is that there is demand for goat meat in Indonesia and an opportunity to improve the supply chain. In addition to consumer ignorance or misinformation about the benefits of eating goat meat, this means that a better understanding of the goat meat supply chain and education of goat meat consumers across Indonesia should result in greater demand for goat meat and improvements in the supply of goats from farmers to consumers.

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