The population of goats in Indonesia has increased gradually at an average rate of 4.6 per cent in the last 10 years, from 12 million in 2000 to 16.8 million in 2010, involving 3.5 million households. The goats are spread throughout 33 provinces with the highest population of goats in Central Java, East Java and West Java. This paper briefly discusses the potential for development of goat and goat milk production in Indonesia. Production of goats offers good business opportunities in Indonesia because they are very well-adapted to the tropical environment and require low investments. Farmers usually rear a few animals without intensive management, as a living bank for emergencies and expenses and as a source of fertiliser for crops. Goats are usually reared to produce meat and milk. The authors highlight that there are also a few promising businesses indicating that producing and selling goats milk is possible and profitable. There is a deficit of fresh milk supply in Indonesia that could be filled with goats milk if goat's milk is better marketed.
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Astuti D.A. and Sudarman A.
In 'Proceedings of the 1st Asia Dairy Goat Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9-12 April 2012'