Seafood market supply chain - South East Sulawesi

This report outlines the South East Sulawesi seafood supply chain including live fish and lobster, processed abalone and sea cucumber and seaweed. The report is based on desk research as well as meetings with seafood market chain operators, traders and buyers which are reported as case studies. The author outlines the role of Makassar in South Sulawesi as the trading centre for seafood products.

Assessing mariculture market constraints and potential in South-East Sulawesi: stakeholder engagement and situation analysis

This report summarises the conceptual framework of an industry development plan to improve seafood smallholder welfare. It identifies the opportunities and constraints to growth of the South East Sulawesi seafood value chain as variability in supply chain characteristics across locations and products, disproportion in the share of through chain value, lack of post-harvest value adding, high costs and limited capital, technical knowledge and market access.

Semua gambar foto di situs ini diambil oleh tim Collins Higgins Consulting selama kegiatan proyek EI-ADO. Reproduksi harus menulis sumber mereka sebagai Collins Higgins Consulting.
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