This study examines the impact of increasing supermarket presence and their procurement system on horticulture supply chains (using tomato in West Java as a case study) and on farmers. Methodology involved key informant interviews, farmer field surveys (n=600), stakeholder focus groups and participatory rural appraisals (n=8). The report briefly outlines changes in food retailing in Indonesia and the development of the supermarket sector and highlights the dominance of imports in supermarket sales. Supermarket procurement systems and supply chain relationships with wholesalers and farmers are also discussed including deficiencies in traditional supply chains and preferences for alternative supply channels. The report examines the determinants and effects of farmer participation in different market channels, including a value chain analysis, and involving descriptive and econometric analyses which ranks the different market channels and details variations in farmer retail price share. The author concludes with discussion of the issues and challenges, relating to supermarket development. Policy interventions discussed in the report can be summarised as: agricultural support services; rural producer organisations; rural infrastructure; access to financial services; market intelligence; public product standards; and land rental markets.

All photographic images on this site were taken by the Collins Higgins Consulting teams during the EI-ADO project activities. Reproduction should note their source as Collins Higgins Consulting.