The economic performance and management practices of mungbean production systems in Belu, West Timor

This paper assesses the economic performance of mungbean in relation to productivity of the existing mungbean cultivar (Fore Belu) and management practices of local farmers. The research reveals that average mungbean productivity in the sample villages is 0.35 ton/ha, well below the national average of 0.75 ton/ha. This is largely due to local farmers using the low-yield Fore Belu cultivar. It also shows that the Sriti cultivar produces the highest gross margin compared to other varieties.

Growth and yield response of grain legumes to different soil management practices after rainfed lowland rice.

This study examined the effects of fertiliser, mulch, cultivation and time of sowing on the growth and yield of peanut, mungbean and soybean following rainfed lowland rice. The study involved research stations or farm field experiments in East Java and Sulawesi. Trial design was a randomised incomplete block with four replicates and treatments applied as an incomplete factorial combination.

Final report: Eastern Indonesia agribusiness development opportunities - analysis of legumes value chains.

This report contains a detailed characterisation and analysis of individual legume (soybean, peanut and mungbean) value chains in West Nusa Tenggara, East Java and East Nusa Tenggara and makes recommendations on development opportunities, possible partners and future research. Based on the M4P framework, the study involved primary information collected through value chain and field visits, as well as secondary information. Market-based solutions (MBS) were identified to address constraints as well as providers to partner in implementing MBS e.g.

All photographic images on this site were taken by the Collins Higgins Consulting teams during the EI-ADO project activities. Reproduction should note their source as Collins Higgins Consulting.
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