Potato seed system in Indonesia: a baseline survey. In 'Progress in potato and sweet potato research in Indonesia

This article identifies and analyses constraints in seed production in Indonesia and describes the major factors that account for the failure to produce quality seed potatoes. The study is based on interviews with staff from government and non-government agencies, farmer-seed producers, farmer cooperative members and end-user farmers. Facilities and techniques used in various stages of seed production and quality control were also evaluated.

Farm demand for quality potato seed in Indonesia

One of the major constraints facing crop production in developing countries is a lack of low-cost, quality seed. In this paper, Fuglie et al. present a model of the market for seed, in which clean seed is treated as a capital good providing benefits over several seasons. To determine the farm demand for clean seed, they then apply this model to potato seed in Indonesia. The research uses data gathered from a survey of 182 potato farmers in the major potato growing areas of the country.

Optimalising potato productivity in Sembalun Highlands, Nusa Tenggara Barat-Indonesia

This article presents the findings of a study to help farmers develop optimal potato yields in the Sembalun Highlands—an isolated area of West Nusa Tenggara province without specialist potato support services. The author's assumption was that utilizing a less costly potato system would increase the ability of small farmers to take up potato production. The research was carried out in six farmers' fields involving six farmer-initiated learning groups, who compared the use of superphosphate with local compost.

Optimising the productivity of the potato/brassica cropping system in Central and West Java and potato/brassica/allium system in South Sulawesi and West Nusa Tenggara. FR2011-24

This report details the outcomes of work undertaken in West Java, Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara and South Sulawesi to develop potato and cabbage integrated crop management systems, develop and improve farmer access to quality potato seed and build capacity for adaptive research and development. The report details the results from surveys of 80 potato and 50 cabbage crops covering crop agronomy, yield, economics, post-harvest management and potato seed supply, source and quality. It outlines the constraints to potato and cabbage production, with low soil pH being the major constraint.

Factors influencing a farmer's decision to purchase seed potatoes in East Java

This article explores the factors that affect a farmer's decision to purchase seed potato in East Java. The research draws on a survey of 209 farmers from three central production areas: Pasuruan, Probolinggo and Batu Malang. Farmers were asked to rate the importance of 34 variables believed to influence a farmer's decision to purchase seed potatoes. The results reveal that the availability of seed at planting time, along with the availability of resources such as land and labour, are the most important factors influencing farmers' decisions to purchase seed.

Integration among regional vegetable markets in Indonesia

In this paper, the authors explore the level of market integration among regional vegetable markets in Indonesia and the movement of prices at the producer and wholesale market levels. Studying price integration among regions is important in order to increase the marketing efficiency of vegetables in the country. The main vegetables included in the study are shallots, large red chilli, potatoes, cabbage and tomatoes. The research uses secondary time-series data from 2001 to 2008 and analyses variables and integration using co-integration analyses.

All photographic images on this site were taken by the Collins Higgins Consulting teams during the EI-ADO project activities. Reproduction should note their source as Collins Higgins Consulting.
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