Prospects of maize farming development in the rainfed lowlands of Indonesia

In recent years, maize cropping in Indonesia has been increasing rapidly at 20-30 per cent per annum, particularly in the lowlands. Yet more areas have the potential for development of maize farming. This paper presents the results of integrated maize management trials conducted in lowland areas of Sidrap regency in South Sulawesi during the dry seasons of 2006 and 2007. Data was gathered through Rural Participatory Appraisals, respondent interviews and secondary data collection.

Nutrient management in rainfed lowland rice-maize cropping systems of Indonesia

Boosting productivity of rice and maize in rice-maize cropping systems requires efficient fertilizer management to improve the nutrition status of the soil. However, fertilizer rates for rice-maize cropping systems are conventionally calculated separately for each commodity regardless of the fertilizer residue of the preceding crop. This paper explores the impact of balancing and phasing nutrients for both crops on crop yields. It is based on an experiment conducted at the ICERI experimental farm in Maros during 2007.

The competitiveness of soybean production in Blitar, East Java

Reduced productivity and increased demand for soybean products has increased dependency on soybean imports and support for tariffs. This study involved a desk top analysis and interviews with key stakeholders (soybean farmers, traders, and government officials) in Blitar, East Java, to develop farm level production budgets based on traditional and improved production technology (improved seed and water control, monoculture and multi-cropping).

All photographic images on this site were taken by the Collins Higgins Consulting teams during the EI-ADO project activities. Reproduction should note their source as Collins Higgins Consulting.
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