Breeding Bos Javanicus d'Alton cattle in eastern Indonesia cattle control, diets, draught use and feeding.
The effect of feeding rice straw and tree legumes on liveweight maintenance of mature Ongole cows (Bos indicus) in Indonesia.
Modelling for scenario analysis for improved smallholder farming systems in Indonesia.
Implementing pedigree systems.
Management to facilitate genetic improvement of Bali cattle in Eastern Indonesia.
Breeding Bos javanicus d'Alton cattle in Eastern Indonesia: cattle reproduction.
Understanding the socioeconomic significance of livestock disease with particular reference to surra (trypanosomiasis) in selected communities in Eastern Indonesia.
Strategies for increasing body condition score of Ongole and Bali cows in Indonesian villages.
Reproductive performance of Ongole cows in Indonesian villages.
All photographic images on this site were taken by the Collins Higgins Consulting teams during the EI-ADO project activities. Reproduction should note their source as Collins Higgins Consulting.