Management to facilitate genetic improvement of Bali cattle in Eastern Indonesia.
Breeding Bos javanicus d'Alton cattle in Eastern Indonesia: cattle reproduction.
Bali cattle production systems in the collective housing system on Lombok.
A review of animal health research opportunities in Nusa Tenggara Timur and Nusa Tenggara Barat provinces, eastern Indonesia
Nutrition and management strategies to improve Bali cattle productivity in Nusa Tenggara.
Understanding the socioeconomic significance of livestock disease with particular reference to surra (trypanosomiasis) in selected communities in Eastern Indonesia.
Strategies for increasing body condition score of Ongole and Bali cows in Indonesian villages.
Reproductive performance of Ongole cows in Indonesian villages.
Public private partnerships for agriculture in eastern Indonesia: a comparative study of the beef cattle and cocoa industries.
This report compares and contrasts the potential for use of a public private partnership approach to solve the problems of low productivity and inadequate smallholder income in the beef cattle and cocoa industries in eastern Indonesia. Overall, the study found that the potential for improvement of productivity in the beef industry—in order to reduce import dependence and meet market demand—appears much lower than the potential for success in improving profitability and sustainability in the cocoa industry by improving yields and quality.