This paper assesses the economic performance of mungbean in relation to productivity of the existing mungbean cultivar (Fore Belu) and management practices of local farmers. The research reveals that average mungbean productivity in the sample villages is 0.35 ton/ha, well below the national average of 0.75 ton/ha. This is largely due to local farmers using the low-yield Fore Belu cultivar. It also shows that the Sriti cultivar produces the highest gross margin compared to other varieties. According to the authors, several issues need to be addressed to improve the productivity and profitability of mungbean growers in West Timor, namely timely access to good quality seed, improvement of varieties and management practices, production costs and industry partnership. Limited availability of seed at the time of planting (wet season) is highlighted as a major concern and attributed to the fact that the largest part of production is consumed and sold to earn cash income during the harvest season. While this research provides valuable insights into the crucial issues surrounding productivity improvements, it does not indicate the types of solutions required to address them, which is restrictive given the limited literature on this commodity.

All photographic images on this site were taken by the Collins Higgins Consulting teams during the EI-ADO project activities. Reproduction should note their source as Collins Higgins Consulting.