This study reports on the effects of different growing practices and aspects on True Seed Shallot (TSS) production in Java. The study comprises a range of experiments which are listed in the introduction. These encompass early sowing and transplanting, optimal nitrogen fertilisation, optimal plant density, seed efficiency, optimal age and nitrogen status of nursery, TSS under insect nets and bulb storage quality. Each experiment is briefly reported in a separate section and comprises methodology, results and discussion. Some detail is provided in cultivar comparisons of optimal plant density, cultivar responses to nitrogen rates and comparisons of yield and grade. The authors list and briefly elucidate the conclusions from this suite of experiments: TSS cultivars with improved storability provide better opportunities for TSS; seed treatments did not improve seed efficiency but there is some detail on the impact of furrow fill and beds versus trays on seed efficiency; lack of Spodoptera during the experimental period limited accurate assessment of insect nets and there was no detectable impact of age of seedling transplants and nursery nitrogen status on seedling survival or growth.

All photographic images on this site were taken by the Collins Higgins Consulting teams during the EI-ADO project activities. Reproduction should note their source as Collins Higgins Consulting.