This article identifies and analyses constraints in seed production in Indonesia and describes the major factors that account for the failure to produce quality seed potatoes. The study is based on interviews with staff from government and non-government agencies, farmer-seed producers, farmer cooperative members and end-user farmers. Facilities and techniques used in various stages of seed production and quality control were also evaluated. One of the major problems highlighted by the author is that seed growers claim to sell certified seeds, but they are not actually certified by the government. This has led to a lack of trust by farmers in seed growers and their reluctance to use seeds other than their own, which has in turn created a marketing problem for seed producers. Other constraints highlighted include lack of funding for institutions conducting research and development in potato seed production, limited cold storage facilities, re-introduction of field-grown or net house-grown materials as in vitro without proper procedures, low priority given to potato tissue culture activities, and existing laws that are not conducive to seed production. Overall, the study provides a thorough background to the key constraints in Indonesia's potato seed system.

All photographic images on this site were taken by the Collins Higgins Consulting teams during the EI-ADO project activities. Reproduction should note their source as Collins Higgins Consulting.