Similar to Jaeger's 2007 report, this paper commences with a very good overview of the global cashew situation and moves from there into detail on the Indonesian cashew industry. Information presented is logical in its flow and well-constructed graphs and tables support the information presented. These two sections set the scene well for the analysis presented around Indonesia as a competitor in the global cashew trade. The analysis does a good job in assessing whether there is a market for Indonesian cashew. The authors review factors such as quality and price, seasonality and timing of the crop, costs and margins, production, geography and value adding from shelling to arrive at conclusions around the prospects for cashew in Indonesia. The prospects presented are sound, as are the challenges the sector faces if it is going to achieve such yield and planting increases that are suggested as possible. The report concludes with three recommendations of merit, being one producer, one shelling and one support initiative. Overall the report is easy to read and provides a very solid understanding of the sector.

All photographic images on this site were taken by the Collins Higgins Consulting teams during the EI-ADO project activities. Reproduction should note their source as Collins Higgins Consulting.