Seaweed farming is predominantly practiced in shallow waters where other sensitive ecosystems such as seagrass beds are also likely to occur. This study examined the effect of shading, trampling and varying intensities of seaweed farming on seagrass in a shallow bay of a traditional fishing village in South Sulawesi. Methodology involved manipulating different levels of shading and trampling in experimental plots over a homogenous seagrass bed and experimental seaweed farms of differing farming intensities. Results are presented and discussed in terms of treatment effects on shoot density and biomass. While farming methods and seedling densities were not found to harm seagrass the author does discuss the potential for seagrass associated fauna to be impacted by farming practices. The author lists several options for increasing seaweed production including increasing farming densities to 185,000 seedling per hectare (reported as optimum sustainable density) but concludes that extending production to open water outside reef systems is the best option when considering seagrass and reef top management. There is brief discussion of factors to consider with this option.

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